Conditions of Enrolment
- Enrolment is valid for a full calendar year and is only completed once before Term 1 (or on commencement if joining throughout the year). Re-enrolment is not required until the next calendar year.
- On enrolment, an annual non-refundable fee applies to all students, to be paid prior to commencement of classes.
- During the period of enrolment, it is the responsibility of the parent or guardian to advise the School if personal circumstances and/or contact information has changed.
- Please notify Parkwood Dance Academy in writing to discontinue enrolment.
- It is a condition of enrolment that you provide approval for your child to be photographed and / or filmed and that those reproductions can be used in the promotion of PDA unless otherwise indicated in writing.
Fee Conditions
- All term fees require payment by the first Saturday of each term and or the Due Date indicated on the invoice.
- Payment plans are available. Please email the Principal for details: [email protected]
- Term fees include a two-class discount. No further term discounts are offered. Pro-rata attendance will be calculated at the Casual rate.
- Terms 2 and 4 fees must be paid prior to collection of performance or concert tickets.
- Non-refundable costume hire (End of Year Concert) and rehearsal fees (Mid Year & End of Year Concert) will be charged in Terms 2 and 3.
- Neither refunds or make-up classes for absences are possible.
Refund & Cancellation Policy
- Credits for prolonged absences (more than three consecutive term weeks) will be considered on an individual basis. (A recalculation may be charged at the Casual rate.)
- Refunds for withdrawal from Parkwood Dance Academy will be considered on an individual basis. (A recalculation may be charged at the Casual rate.)
- Refund for Concert ticket purchases are not available. Please consider your ticket purchases carefully.
- Any other requests for full or partial refunds of our services including fair and reasonable complaints, incomplete delivery of service or any major service fault that is not the fault of the client, will be given fair and reasonable consideration on an individual basis and will comply with Australian Consumer Law.
Concerts & Performances
- It is required that students attend all compulsory rehearsals for both the Mid-Year Performance and End of year Concerts. Absences may result in either a minimised or excluded appearance.
- It is assumed that all students will participate in our Mid-Year Performances and our End of year concerts unless otherwise indicated in writing.
- All photographic and video footage can be used for promotional purposes unless otherwise indicated in writing.
- For the Parkwood Dance Academy community to enjoy a safe and friendly experience while at the school, we expect co-operative, respectful behaviour. Bullying in any form is NOT tolerated. We reserve the right to terminate the enrolment of any student for behaviour that is in the form of verbal abuse, intimidation, discrimination, harassment, extortion or threats (physical or other acts of unacceptable behaviour) toward other students, other parents, teachers or employees of Parkwood Dance Academy.
- If you wish to discuss your child’s progress or have any queries, please contact the Principals by phone : 0425 749 261, to discuss if an appointment time is necessary. As our classes are timetabled back to back, there is not sufficient time between them for discussion.
- If you have a compliment or concern, please write to us at [email protected]. You will receive a considered reply.